

As China enters its 13th Five Year Plan period, it has an opportunity not only to build a prosperous society, but also to adjust its economic development strategy and transform its economy. Forming the guidance of China’s supply-side reform, China’s five development principles -- “Innovative, Coordinated, Green, Open, and Shared” – can help China accelerate the transition of its energy structure and comprehensively promote its ecological civilization building.

To this end, China’s primary task for its energy transition is to reduce its dependence on coal. In 2013, China peaked its coal consumption and in 2015, China’s carbon dioxide emissions declined for the first time. However, cleaning, reducing, and replacing China’s coal consumption will be neither quick nor easy. In November 2014, the China Coal Consumption Cap Plan and Policy Research Project (“China Coal Cap Project”) held the first international workshop on China’s coal consumption cap and energy transition, focusing on the research of medium and long-term strategies for a coal consumption cap and discussing the resource, environmental, health, and climate change redline restrictions on coal use, as well as the goals of a multi-dimensional system of national, local, and sectoral coal caps. In November 2015, the second international workshop proposed recommendations and an action plan for the 13th Five Year Plan’s coal consumption cap and energy transition. These recommendations laid out goals for 2020, including controlling coal consumption to no more than 3.5 billion metric tons, reducing the proportion of coal in total energy consumption to 55 percent, and trying to continually lower CO2 emissions after peaking in 2014. Together, these targets aim to significantly improve the overall efficiency of China’s energy system and push China towards a more green, sustainable, and low-carbon economic development path.

The Third International Workshop on China's coal consumption cap and energy transition will be held in Beijing November 1-2, 2016. The workshop is organized by the China Energy Conservation Association and the China Coal Cap Project group, in collaboration with the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Energy Foundation (EF), and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and with the support of China5e and Beijing Energy Club. This third workshop will invite related Chinese and foreign government ministries, research institutions, industry associations, enterprises, NGOs, media and other representatives to discuss the following issues and develop policy recommendations for China’s energy transition:

  • Determining how China can support supply-side structural reforms, push forward its energy transition and promote sustainable economic development through long-term and systematic planning during the strategic opportunity period offered under the new economic normal.
  • Determining how China can resolve excess production capacity in energy-intensive industries and accelerate industrial transition and upgrading through innovative models and the implementation of the “Made in China 2025 Strategic Plan”, in order to achieve a transformation from broad-scale and rapid extensive development to high-quality and efficient intensive development.
  • Determining how to establish provincial and city coal consumption cap plans that meet ecological restriction redlines. Discussing the difficulties of implementing a coal cap, particularly with respect to dispersed coal management and the restrictive development of the coal chemical industry. Investigating possible paths toward transitioning regional energy structures and reaching CO2 emissions peak, as well as setting out interim targets for air quality and ecological improvement in key provinces and cities. Assessing how to reduce the threat to public health and how to promote regional socio-economic sustainable development.
  • Determining how to facilitate the implementation of the coal cap plan via the interaction with the carbon market, tax policy, green finance innovation, regional coal quota trading pilots and other market mechanisms, and employment guarantee measures.
  • Exploring how China can develop its leadership in global green governance, and, within the ‘One Belt One Road’ global economic development strategy, achieve the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and implement the Paris Agreement, so that China and the OBOR countries mutually benefit from low carbon and green development.


Moderator: Song Zhongkui, Secretary General, China Energy Conservation Association

Opening Remarks


Fang Qing, Vice President, China Energy Conservation Association


Lei Hongpeng, China Project Manager, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation

Keynote Speeches


China’s Supply-side Energy Reform

Jiang Yi, President, China Energy Conservation Association


Using Supply-side Structural Reforms to DriveSustainable Economic Development in China

Tang Yuan, Director, Research Office of the State Council


Opportunities for Energy Transition underChina’s New Norma

Zhou Dadi, Director, China Energy Research Society


Constructing a National Carbon Market: Current Status and Prospects

Jiang Zhaoli, Deputy Director, Department of Climate Change, NDRC




Tea Break and Group Phot


Long-term Coal Cap Implementation Strategy

Yang Fuqiang, Chief Adviser, Natural Resources Defense Council


China’s Energy Transition and Revolution on the Global Horizon

Zhang Yousheng, Deputy Director, Energy Research Institute, NDRC


How Green Bonds can Promote China’s Industry and Energy Transition

Sean Kidney, Climate Bonds Initiative


Green CreditInternational Experience

Wang Xiaodong, Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank





Moderator: Bai Rongchun, Former Counsellor of the NDRC National Energy Administration, China Coal Cap Project Research Steering Committee Member

Keynote Speeches: Reducing excess capacity in energy-intensive industries


Research on Supply-Side Reform of China’s Coal Industry: Key Issues

Wu Lixin, Vice President, Strategic Planning Institute, Coal Science Research Institute


Using Supply-Side Reforms to Meet the Goal of Reducing Excess Capacity in the Steel Industry

Huang Dao, Director, Development, Technology & Environment Department, China Iron and Steel Industry Association


Policy Recommendations and Goals for Reaching Peak Coal Power in China’s 13th Five-Year Plan Period

Yuan Jiahai, Professor at the School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University

Round Table Discussion: Reducing Excess Capacity and Promoting Transition

Moderator: Pan Jiahua, Director, Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China Coal Cap Project Research Steering Committee Member



Yang Guodong, Deputy director and Chief Engineer of the Coal Industrial Development Research Center

Cheng Xiaomao, Former Deputy Chief Engineer, Metallurgic Industrial Planning and Research Institute (MPI)

Zhang Weidong, Deputy Director, Planning and Development Department, China Electricity Council

Wang Ran, Associate Professor at University of International Business and Economics

Tian Zhiyu, Deputy Director, Energy Efficiency Center, NDRC Energy Research Institute




Tea Break

Keynote Speeches: Supply side reform in energy-intensive industries


The Development Orientation for the Modern Coal Chemical Industry in the 13th Five-Year Plan Period

Zhang Shaoqiang, Chairman, China Coal Processing and Utilization Association


Implementing the 13th Five-Year Plan Coal Regulation Targets for the Cement Industry

Fan Yongbin, Director of Policy Research Institute, China Cement Association


Reducing Excess Inventories in the Building Sector and Capping Coal

Liu Jing, Associate Professor, Beijing Jiaotong University School of Economics and Management

Round Table Discussion: Innovation-Driven Development

Moderator: Liu Wenqiang, Vice Dean, China Center for Information Industry Development (CCID),Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the P.R.C.



Zeng Xuemin, Former Vice Director, China Cement Association

Xu Wei, Director, Institute of Building Energy Efficiency, China Academy of Building Research

Liu Tong, Professor, School of Energy, Power and Mechanical Engineering, North China Electric Power University

Yan Yongmin, Chief Engineer, Green Research and Development Center, China Merchants Shekou Holdings




Closing Remarks

Moderator: Yang Fuqiang, Senior Advisor on Energy, Environment, and Climate Change, Natural Resources Defense Council,China Coal Cap Project Research Steering Committee Member

Keynote Speeches: Provincial ecological redline restrictions and coal cap plans


Coal Consumption Cap Plan and Policy Research in Shandong Province Implementation Plan in Shandong Province

Zhou Yong, Deputy Director, Institute of Science and Technology Development Strategy, Shandong Academy of Sciences


Inner Mongolia's Coal Cap Implementation Paths and Coal Industry Development Research under the Vision Threshold of Supply-side Structural Reform

Zhao Haidong, Professor, Inner Mongolia University


Coal Consumption Cap Plan and Policy Research in Shandong Province in Shaanxi Province

Bai Yongxiu, Dean, Yongxiu Shaanxi Institute of Economics and Management


Coal and Other Factors that Impact Air Pollution and Human Health

Ma Qiao, Professor, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

Round Table Discussion: Provincial coal cap and energy development strategies

Moderator: Zhang Yousheng, Deputy Director, Energy Research Institute, NDRC



Fu Lu, China Director, Clean Air Asia

Wang Juan, Systems Center at the Energy Research Institute, NDRC

Qian Fajun, Director, Department of Ecology Research, Institute of Geographical Sciences, Henan Academy of Sciences

Qin Yan, Deputy Director, Research Institute of Low-Carbon Development, Ecology Research Center, Department of Environmental Protection of Shanxi Province




Tea Break

Keynote Speeches: City coal cap plans: People-oriented development and protecting public health


Total Coal Consumption Control Implementation Plan in Wuhan

Xiang Dingxian, Director, Wuhan Energy Conservation Supervision Center


Total Coal Consumption Control Implementation Plan in Shijiazhuang

Zhao Hui, Deputy Director, Shijiazhuang Energy Conservation Supervision Center


Total Coal Consumption Control Implementation Plan in Xi’An

Xie Honghao, Deputy Executive Director, Xi’an Energy Conservation Association

Round Table Discussion: Cities: The key to coal cap implementation

Moderator: Qian Jingjing, Director, NRDC China Program and China Coal Cap Project Research Steering Committee Member



Li Ting, China Chief Representative, Rocky Mountain Institute

Anders Hove, Associate Director, Research, Paulson Institute

Xu Guangqing, Associate Professor, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China

Pan Xiaochuan, Professor at the Health Science Center, Peking University

Wang Liping, Director, Energy Bureau of Ningbo, Ningbo Municipal Development & Reform Commission

Lyu Zhaowen, Vice Consultant, Lanzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau




Closing Remarks

Moderator: Zhou Fengqi, Former Director General, NDRC Energy Research Institute, and China Coal Cap Project Research Steering Committee Member

Keynote Speeches: Synergies between coal cap and carbon market policies


Energy Right: Paid-Use and Trading Systems

Bai Quan, Director of the Energy Efficiency Center, Energy Research Institute, NDRC


Constructing National Carbon Market: Progress and Understanding of Quota Allocation Methods

Tong Qing, Associate Professor, Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University


Research on Coal Cap in Coal-Intensive Industries and Coal Quota Initial Allocation Plan

Li Xueyu, Carbon Trading Analyst, Natural Resources Defense Council


Analysis on Synergies between Coal Cap and Carbon Market in Power and Cement Industries

Zhang Xin, Deputy Director of the Carbon Market Department, National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation


Research on Total Urban Coal Fuel and Carbon Trading Quota Systems

Song Guojun, Professor of Environmental Economics and Management, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China


Case Study on Enterprise Carbon Asset Management and Trading Strategies

Chen Zhibin, Senior Advisor, SinoCarbon Innovation Investment




Tea Break

Round Table Discussion: Energy pricing mechanisms and tax policy reform

Moderator: Hu Zhaoguang, Former Vice President, State Grid Energy Research Institute, and China Coal Cap Project Research Steering Committee Member



Feng Shengbo, Deputy Director, Energy Systems Analysis Center, NDRC Energy Research Institute

Teng Fei, Associate Professor, Institute of Energy, Environment, and Economics, Tsinghua University

Xu Wen, Researcher, Research Institute for Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance

Jia Yangwen, Professor, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Ministry of Water Resources

Wang Yan, Director of the Environmental Law and Governance Project, Natural Resources and Defense Council



Round Table Discussion: Innovation in green finance

Moderator: Chai Fahe, Vice President, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences and China Coal Cap Project Research Steering Committee Member



Huang He, Researcher,Greenovation Hub

Sun Yiting, Director of the Sustainable Finance Project, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) China

Guo Peiyuan, General Manager, SynTao

Wang Xiaodong, Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank

An Guojun, Deputy Secretary-General, Green Finance Committee, China Society for Finance & Banking




Closing Remarks

Moderator: Bai Rongchun, Former Counsellor of the NDRC National Energy Administration, China Coal Cap Project Research Steering Committee Member

Keynote Speeches:


Pushing the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda with the “One Belt One Road” Initiative

Zhang Xiaohua, Senior Policy Adviser, United Nations Secretary Office


TheStrategic Orientation and Long-Lasting Impacts of “One Belt One Road”

Zhang Jianping, Director, Regional Economic Research Center, Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, Director of The Institute of West Asian and African Studies at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences


Carving a Path to a 1.5 Degree Global Warming Limit and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

Jiang Kejun, Researcher, NDRC Energy Research Institute


Analysis of Environmental Management Systems of “One Belt One Road” Partner Nations

Ge Chazhong, Director, Environmental Policy Department, Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning


Production Capacity Cooperation and Green Indices

Yang Fuqiang, Chief Adviser, Natural Resources Defense Council


The Road from the Paris Agreement: Analysis and recommendations on countries’ financing for coal projects abroad

Chen Han, International Climate Advocate, Natural Resources Defense Council




Tea Break

Round Table Discussion: The "One Belt, One Road" global economic development strategy

Moderator: Li Tianwei, Chief Engineer, Environmental Engineering Assessment Center, Ministry of Environmental Protection



Zhang Shiguo, Secretary General, China New Energy Overseas Industry Development Alliance

Bai Yongxiu, Director, Yongxiu Shaanxi Institute of Economics and Management

Su Ming, Deputy Director, Energy Economy and Development Strategy Center, NDRC Energy Research Institute

Yuan Jiahai, Professor, North China Electric Power University




Closing Remarks

Bai Rongchun, Former Counsellor of the NDRC National Energy Administration, China Coal Cap Project Research Steering Committee Member


China Energy Conservation Association

China Energy Conservation Association (CECA) was founded in 1989, and was registered and approved by State Civil Ministry. CECA is a self-constrained, non-profit social entity. CECA devotes itself to efficient utilization of energy, environment protection and advancing economic profit, and helps to enhance the energy efficiency technology and energy efficiency products of China to a global advanced level. CECA obeys the leadership of National Development and Reform Commission, Science and Technology Ministry and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the PRC. CECA has many enterprise members.

Goals: The goals of CECA include promoting rational and efficient use of energy resources and improving the environment through research and implementation of energy-saving policies, developing and promoting energy-saving technologies and products, and collecting and disseminatingof energy-saving information.

Government service: CECA researches and publicizes state laws and regulations, disseminates energy-saving information, research national policies, etc.

Enterprise service: CECA establishes an information exchange platform for usage by enterprises.

Social service: CECA spreads energy-saving knowledge and improves energy-saving awareness for the whole society.

Website: www.cecaweb.org.cn

China Coal Cap Project

The China Coal Consumption Cap Plan and Policy Research Project (“Coal Cap Project”) was launched in October 2013 in close collaboration with over 20 renowned Chinese think tanks, research institutions, and industry associations. The project researches China’s coal consumption cap strategy and policy, implementation roadmap and action plan, and provides policy recommendations and actionable measures to government officials. The ultimate goal is to help China conserve resources, protect its environment, and achieve its climate change and sustainable development goals.

In 2014, the China Coal Cap Project completed the report on "The Long-Term Development Scenario and Outlook for China's Coal Consumption Cap (2015-2050)." In 2015, the Project published "China's 13th Five Year Coal Cap Action Plan Research Report." In 2016, the China Coal Cap Project will summarize and promote regional and sectoral best practices and experiences, advancing the implementation of coal strategies and policies.

The Project is funded by UK's Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, and is coordinated by the Natural Resources Defense Council and World Wide Fund for Nature.

Website: www.nrdc.cn/coalcap

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Previous Events

2015 International Workshop on China Coal Cap Strategy

Looking Ahead to the 13th Five-year Plan